Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wonderful Wednesdays!

Term III here on campus is starting to wind down. Today is the last Wednesday of freedom as next week at this time, classes will be ending and moving out for the summer will commence. It has been great having Wednesdays off. I’m going to miss the nice break in the middle of the week. Aside from the sun bathing, fountain swimming, kan jam, and softball games, campus still remains busy with activities. Last week Wednesday was the Poster Research Session where people from the social and behavioral sciences joined forces with the science department to showcase the research completed by students. My group from Experimental Psychology presented our findings from our class last term. We did an experiment on whether colors like blue and pink affect how people perceive faces as either aggressive or sensitive. While we didn’t find that color had an affect on perception, overall people rated male photos as more aggressive and female photos as more sensitive. It was a lot of fun to see the other research findings as a lot of students participate in these experiments.

Today was a beautiful day on campus with the sun shining and temperatures nearing 80 degrees. For those that were not outside or wanted to take a quick break, Tompkins Dorm Council hosted an all day movie marathon. Currently we are watching the Ugly Truth while Valentine’s Day and Letters to Juliet aired earlier. All of the movie junk food was served, including octagon shaped cookies :)

While I will miss the Wednesday fun of Term III, it will be nice to have summer arrive!

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